Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Cut Ood"...

What little boy doesn't love helping his Daddy? In our case, it is the love of cutting wood or as Asher says it "Cut ood". Asher got a chainsaw for his birthday and he has been outside helping Daddy get wood in the house. They also spent an evening in the garage sharpening their chains - you wouldn't want it to go dull in the process of cutting!

Not to worry - goggles are required, safety first! :)

Happy Birthday Asher!

What does a two year olds Birthday Party look like?
We scream & attempt to get away in every picture...
We take meal time very serious... We sit patiently waiting to open presents... We're learning how to share... We ride toys that we probably shouldn't in the house - cause we're only 2 once... We have amazing home-made birthday cake from our Un-Cowl... We are extremely confused when everyone starts singing the same song...
How do they all know that words?! We love you Asher John and are so proud of the little boy you are becoming!
We are so blessed to have you in our family.

Waiting on Daddy...

He knew Daddy should be home shortly... so he grab his stool & waited. He also decided that it was the evening of wearing two sets of pajama bottoms & his flannel shirt. I love this kid.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Last night Asher kept pointing at different items/toys and saying 'keen'. I wasn't excatly sure what the heck he was talking about. So, I got down on the floor with him and was trying to understand what he was trying to tell me. I asked him if he could show me what he wanted. At that moment he leaves the living room and I didn't think much of it as Damon and I were carrying on a conversation. Asher comes back moments later carrying the Clorox Wipes - points to his toys and says 'keen'. Ohhhh, 'clean'. The lesson learned:

1) My toddler thinks things are not clean around the house - this could be bad...
2) I'm going to need to move the Clorox wipes to a higher location (that way he can't be demanding that I clean things - oh, and he won't hurt himself trying to clean things :))
3) What the heck was I doing on the floor - it is a serious issue attempting to get back up! :)

I love that Asher is starting to use his words even more - every day I learn something new! :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Oops, that was an...

Nine - not an 8. Really just one number can make the difference.

Today I had a farmer call in asking questions about crops - I directed him to the MN Farmers Hotline (there is such a thing!). I gave him the number, happy to help. A few minutes later I get another call through and it's the same farmer.
Farmer: "I'm wondering if you could have given me the wrong number?"
Me: "Hmmm... well that's what my resource sheet says?"
Farmer: "Well, it was a 'are you lonely' number."
Me: "Bwwaaaaahhhh!"
Okay, I did not really laugh that hard in his ear; however, I certainly laughed that hard when I got off the phone! I gave him a '8' instead of a '9' and one digit made the difference. Not sure how funny he thought any of that was but I've been giggling to myself all day about it! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

8 Month Attire...

So, I've resorted to wearing my camo hunting jacket because it's about the only thing that fits - okay, kinda fits and is warm at this point. I've decided that if I wear camo - it helps hide the belly, you can hardly even see it! I also wore a dress today - yep, running out of options for outfits so a dress is part of my rotation. The best part is that it's black and I'm pretty sure it makes me look at least 5'5" and slimming. :) I'm afriad that yellow crocs might just be the next thing that I'll be forced into wearing on a daily basis for lack of anything else that fits! :) Oh the joys! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Helper...

Damon was changing the oil on the truck and needed help - good thing Asher was around with a wrench in hand, he got the job done! :)
This morning we were outside 'doing wood' - piling, cutting, splitting, etc... I was piling up wood when Ash looks at me and says, "What doin'?" I say, "I'm piling wood." He says as he's nodding his head 'yes', "Oh, okay." Such a supervisor!

He also found himself a hammer. A hammer that he would use for a good hour as a 'splitter'. He sat on the ground with the same piece of wood: set it up, tap with hammer, it would fall over and he'd repeat the cycle. He was so proud of himself for helping out - I only wish I would have had my camera! :)

He's growing so fast and every day continues to pick up on the different things that we do every day. He likes to help with dishes, do recycling, sweep the floor and flush the toilet (this last one is so helpful!). All of which take extra time and energy on my half but I love that he is interested in 'helping'. It seems like every day he changes before our eyes - we're so blessed to have the opportunity to watch him grow!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Halloween!

First, I must say that Asher was not interested in dressing up for Halloween - so the fact that we don't just have one but multiple pictures of him in his costume is a miracle! We were able to enjoy a walk around the neighborhood and I think Ash really enjoyed trick-or-treating!

Step One: Have daddy get the dragon dressed so mama could at least get one picture before he throws himself down in a screaming temper tantrum...

Step Two: Hurry up and get him outside (his favorite place to be)
and he'll be golden for at least a few minutes... Step Three: The break down. Throw yourself onto the floor in
attempts to get the stupid dragon costume off! :) Besides spending the evening with my boys - I think my favorite part of the night was at Ron and Vicki's house. Asher was generously helping himself to the bowl of candy (as I was generously putting the handfuls back into the bowl) and I say to Asher, "What do we say when someone is nice and gives us something?" He looks at me and says, "More?".

Lessons Learned...

This is not 'mother of the year award' material for all of you mothers out there - I know better but couldn't stop taking pictures of the sequence of events as they happened,
it's the artist in me! :)

Look what I found!

It's bringing him such joy - I mean, look at that smile!

Putting around your neck - definitely not a good idea. I'm pretty sure in between taking pictures I told him he should stop.

It's so stretchy and fun! How could this possibly be bad for me mama!?

I didn't get the last picture in this frame due to excessive crying ... but I think you probably get the idea of what happens next...

At Work...

One of my co-workers started in August - so she hasn't ever known me, minus the belly. Today at work she says, "I'm kinda excited to know you in a year from now. I don't even know what you look like or who you are without being pregnant." I informed her that when I'm not pregnant I'm typically 5'10", skinny and have blonde hair - she won't even recognize me. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Joys of Living In Town...

Living in town isn't soo horrible... I mean, we have some neighbors that still like us after being here for 6 years and it's still relatively quiet for our location. Tonight I smile as one of the neighbor kids has just started learning how to play the trumpet. Yes, lets start at 9:30 at night - doesn't that seem like a great time to practice? They definitely need to tighten up those lips!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do I Look Like I Need Help?

Silly mommy - I'm a big boy, no help required.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Whew - what a Haul!

It has been quite a while since I've been out on any blog sites - even my own! As every spring brings, the Tuttle Household is extremely busy getting back into the swing of work, daycare and trying to keep up with every day life. So here are some radom thoughts from the last week weeks in my world...

  • We were blessed with a new niece on May 2nd - Greta Sophia! I am so proud to say that she is doing well and was able to go home within a week of being welcomed into the world. She is such a strong little one and I cannot wait to meet her. She still has a journey ahead of her if you could keep her in your prayers.

  • The flowering crabs are finally in full bloom in the yard and they are beautiful! Wish they lasted longer than a few weeks.

  • A friend gave me some rhubarb and I just made some rhubard crisp with it - awesome! I think I might have to plant some so I can have my own rhubard every spring!

  • I got a new job. Start on June 6th. I'm excited for the change but also sad to be leaving Bloomers - I've really enjoyed my work and those I work with.

  • Asher continues to grow and change on a daily basis. He still can't jump and cracks us up with his continual attempts, some day he'll get the hang of it! His new favorite word is 'see?' instead of 'why?'... I guess those days are coming!

  • We have learned a vaulable lesson about toilet paper this last week - cheaper is not better. It's the type of mistake you only have to make once.

  • Why do animal noise children's books put animals like: mice, giraffes and penguines in them? Really? I love how you're are going through every noice and you come to those and pause... Yep, I don't know what noise a giraffe makes? I'm thinking they should stick with the animals that make noises people know... bark, meow, cheep... :)

  • With summer possibly just around the corner - we're excited to get out and do some camping. Can't wait for camp fires, friends, fishing and being outside! :)

  • I had a cousin pass away a few weeks back. Makes me sad, she was only 30. It makes me sad that she was only 30 but it also makes me more sad that I didn't know her. We grew apart, never talked, got together and I hate that. Good reminder that you need to put in the time and effort with relationships that are worth time and effort. She'll be greatly missed ...

Well, that's all the 'radom-ness' I have for one night... Babe is sleeping, I've got dishes to be done and some rhubarb crisp to eat. :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Let There be MUSIC!

So, besides my two boys, family, chocolate and sharing random thoughts - I've added another one of my more favorite things, that I love ooooo so much, to the blog - MUSIC!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Live for Now...

"If you have one eye on yesterday and the other on tomorrow - today you'll be cockeyed." - Anonymous Here's to living in the moment, cherishing your friends and family, giving your all because you can - not because you have too, laughing out loud, snorting if it becomes necessary, giving your kids an extra squeeze before you leave, kissing your husband good morning, leaving the dishes, getting on the floor and playing cars, smiling because the blog won't allow you to space any of your thoughts, returning your shopping cart, eating donuts for breakfast, enjoying snow in April, praying for those around you and actually living your life for what it is and what you have - which is today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

F-R-I-D-A-Y (Part 2)

Okay, I've decided that F-R-I-D-A-Y means nothing when you've got to work on Saturday. Anyone else feel this? I mean, it just becomes another day - not one of which I feel like singing and dancing. Dang. It's going to be a l-o-n-g spring! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011


I really - really - really like the word Friday. There is no other word that makes getting out of bed in the morning enjoyable - except for Saturday, that's a pretty fun word to say too.

Texting, Texting...

One - Two - Three... is this thing on?? Today, Damon and I were texting back and forth regarding who was going to be working late and who would be available to pick up Asher from daycare. It reads something like this... D: "dont think i wil make it mite be close" D: "I wil b late" M: "Ok... I'lll be sure to pick jim up. thanks!" D: "Who is jim" M: "Ha! Him!" :) New phone, smaller buttons - might take some getting used too! If anything, it is providing me with some much needed laughter in the middle of my work days! :) This post doesn't believe in having any spacing, after attempting multiple times to do so, it doesn't work - so enjoy!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Puddle Time...

One of Asher's first trips outside to play in the water! :)

Oh So Random...

  • Damon did a craft show this last weekend. As we were sitting at the booth we over heard two older (in their 60's) women having a conversation as they walked by. All we heard was one older lady telling the other, "All I'm going to bring is clean underwear and knee pads." Huh.

  • Did I tell you that Asher now says 'Apple' - random, which is why it fits perfect with my post.

  • I made lasagna tonight - what it lacked in all the herbs and spices that you're suppose to add, it made up for it in cheese. Yum.

  • It is only two more weeks until Bloomers is 'officially' open - depending on the weather, wow, these last few weeks have flown by!

  • My house is still relatively clean - still clean to where if you stopped by, I wouldn't be embarrassed. Who am I and what I have I done with the 'old Manda'? - This includes my laundry for those of you who are dying to know about my commitment to staying clean. :)

  • This last weekend Asher got up before 7am both Saturday and Sunday - what the heck!? This fine Monday morning, I had to DRAG him outta his crib, kicking and screaming because he wanted to sleep in. I think it's time for us to give him his first lesson on weekends and sleeping in.

  • We might be flying to Wisconsin this weekend - very random, kinda excited. Hope Ash does okay on his first airplane ride. Ha, who am I kidding - I hope I do okay on my 3rd airplane ride! :)

  • My in-laws came over last Tuesday evening, ate supper, played games and watched Asher on Wednesday. It was super fun. We played sequence, with a capital 's', and Rog and I kicked BUTT! We took 6 outta 6 games - I'm looking forward to their next visit to see how lucky Rog and I get! :)

  • We're getting 'oh so close' to the end of wood burning season - which means we get to clean up the basement and keep it that way for few months, awesome.

  • I saw a chap stick at L&M this last weekend named, "Chicken Poop" - don't worry, on the back side of the tube it stated that there were not any actual ingredients of poo. Whew.

  • I delivered a planter to the clinic a few weeks back - a little something to celebrate the first day of spring for a lady who worked there from her sister. Such a fun idea. I realized after I had got back to Bloomers that my zipper was down. Classy.

  • I miss my nephew - I wish I could see him more. I wish we could go for walks at night, play at parks and read books together.

  • I'm excited for this summer. I can't wait to go on boat rides, camping, tubing, fishing and just playing outside with Asher - he really enjoys being outside, I can't wait to enjoy warm weather together.

  • I love Guacamole Chips. Love. Them.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back to Daycare...

Oh what a difference a year can make!
Asher 3 Months Old - first day of daycare 2010...

Asher - 14 Months Old - first day of daycare 2011

No more carrying me mama - I'm a big boy! I can walk, fall, eat snow, do stairs and take diggers on the ice all by myself! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone - it truly does seem like just yesterday he was a little guy... they grow way to fast.

Random Thoughts...

  • Asher fell asleep on the living room floor two Saturdays ago. Granted he was super sick and was on medication - but I hope he can continue to find comfort where ever he is in our home and just lay down and snooze.
  • I sent Ash to daycare today with his pants on backwards. If he was wearing sweatpants, maybe this wouldn't have been such a huge 'I'm a DORK' moment! Instead he was wearing pants with pockets - yep, the daycare lady is going to think I'm crazy!
  • Work is busy. Busy is good. Good is a pay check.
  • It was a year ago today that Damon quit his job and Asher looked at us and gave us an actually smile and giggle for the first time. I didn't know what we were going to do but knew that it would all work out. Living proof today that what doesn't break a family will make you stronger.
  • I've kept my house clean for the last week and a half. Like, clean enough that if you were to stop by - I wouldn't be completely embarrassed of our potential to live like slobs.
  • This even includes my laundry. I'm pretty sure my sister would be highly impressed with my ability to 'keep up' - at least for the last week and 3 days. :)
  • I have some pretty amazing friends. Friends that care, call, ask, listen and most importantly are there for everything. I realize even more now how much I miss these amazing ladies when I am back on the clock at work and can't have play-dates or phone conversations with them whenever I want. You know who you are - know that you are loved.
  • We fed Ned beans just to see if they were really 'musical fruit'... they are.
  • I'm going to be an auntie again and am beyond excited. I'm also going to be an auntie to a little girl - even more exciting! I cannot wait to welcome this precious new-comer into the world in a matter of months. Please say a prayer for her journey.
  • A few weekends ago I spent my first few nights away from Asher. It's true what they say, you'll know when you're ready. Was it easy... nope. Was it neccessary... yep. Did I survive... yeppers and I'm alive to write about my experience. :)
  • Men who do drag make us 'average girls' look horrible. Some of those guys are seriously beautiful. Just sayin'...
  • There is nothing more sweet than picking up your babe from daycare and seeing him waiting. Seeing him standing at the sliding glass door with a big 'ole smile and waving at his mama. I think the only thing that tops that right now is the sweet words of 'mama' coming out of his mouth. Few and far between but I'll take it.
  • Real Conversation: I was inquiring how long I could expect a product (yard sign) to last with the different elements (wind, rain, snow, sun, etc..) I say, "And how long do these signs typically hold up?" and the sales lady - in her very foreign accent and as serious as can be says, "Until someone steals it."
  • Cyd a lady from work has a talent for phrasing... I over-heard her tell a boy during an interview today..."Now, the landscape crew gets to wear shirts without sleeves but as a shop boy that's not okay. You've got to have sleeves on your shirts because we don't need you putting your arm pit hair all up in our customers business.
  • My spell check doesn't appear to be wrkg snce I've left out some obvious letters and it isn't picking up on antyhing.... so enjoy the crazy spelling that I'll call Manda. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

From the Mind of Cyd...

(A lady I work with).

She always says things 'differently'.

Yesterday she asked me if we were going to be getting those 'walk around type phones'. I think for a minute and say, "You mean cordless?" ... she responds, "Ya, the walk around type."

Here's to another Spring at Bloomers. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dish Soap It Is...

I figured out why I'm fat... the shampoo I use in the shower runs down my body - it says, "For extra volume and body". I think I'm going to start using Dawn Dish Soap... "Dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove." :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lessons Learned...

I walked into the living room today to see Asher trying to get some toys out from under the couch. He can't quite get his little arms to reach... so he grabs both corners (from underneath) and attempts to pick up the couch. Huh.
Graham crackers don't fit in ears - or at least not full graham crackers.
Stunts are every where. The newest... Asher can stand in the front bucket (which is not very large) on the front of his little tykes bike. Crashes happen - he just gets back up and does it again.

Okay, they are not lessons learned - they are lessons ... and than you just keep right on doing what you do best ... being a little boy. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All in a Matter of Minutes...

It was bath time at the Tuttle Household... The tp was invited... We took the diaper off and pee'd on the rug... And we finally made it into the bath...

The Face ...

of someone who doesn't like carrots...

The Question of the Day...

Where's the sippy cup?

On the Asher Front...

  • Today Asher signaled me that he wanted "more" using sign-language - I was pretty excited about this new way of communicating.

  • Asher is starting to follow directions. This is super fun to watch him put two and two together. A few things he is able to do when asked... find his blankie, 'sit' (when we are taking a bath), put objects over the gate (he does this on command and on his own;)), put a ball in his tower, put a car on the ramp, bring ____ to _____ , hands up (when pushing in his tray), etc...

  • He is trying to jump and it is hilarious. He can't get off the ground but you can see that he believes he is getting some major air. Such a goof.

  • He's learned the technique of pushing objects over to the couch so he can climb up easier and faster.

  • Stairs are going to be an issues - as well as - anything that has wheels. If it moves, you can ride it.

  • He's starting to do things that could be classified as 'naughty'... as a matter of fact, they are naughty and yet we find ourselves unable to stop laughing. Not good. We are doing our best to stop behaviors before they start but when you have that smile and giggle to follow - not easy. So, last night when he was giving us the 'good 'ole dump truck' with his food at the table I had to look the other way. Thinking to myself, my parents had to of been so proud - I did that when I was WAY to old to know better!

  • He's starting to help with clothing. Okay, it's not like that. He isn't dressing himself. He's just randomly taking off his pants and handing them to you when you're doing the dishes.

  • Toilet paper is fascinating, flushing is amazing and throwing everything into the tub is the best!

  • He enjoys a good game of hide-n-seek as long as you hide in the same spots, loves being chased and has a few super tickle-ish spots on him!

  • He's starting to enjoy evening books. He'll sit for a few minutes and than he's off and running. Maybe some day we'll enjoy this activity together?

  • I believe that his vocabulary is growing (Damon is more skeptical)... "itty et own" translation: Kitty Get Down ... ya, that's about the only thing he puts together - I guess he hears it quite a bit. :)

  • His vocabulary does include: Dada (all the time), ed (Ned), itty (Kitty), mama (see how far down this is on the list? It is very few and far between - but it has been said!) ... I guess that's about it.

  • Today I was explaining to Asher "No, you cannot touch this"... he reaches out and grabs my Nose... I said, "No." He grabs my nose... a little more work to do with these two words. :)

  • Following that last one... he can find my nose, ears and lips. :)

  • He thinks it's funny when the kitty 'nibbles' on him. Good - at least he doesn't freak out about the cat. He entices the kitty into 'nibbling' on him - not good.

  • He doesn't play with toys - he just relocates them around the house.

  • Ah, yes... I love this child. He is going to be a handful - ha, who am I kidding - he already is but I wouldn't want it any other way! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Law Report...

Why there are some things I just don't want to know... An adult female and a juvenile female were cited for theft at 2:01 pm after they were caught shoplifting at a business on 29th Street Southeast in Grand Rapids. One was caught with hair coloring valued at $8.52 and the other was caught with two small bottles of "male endurance formula" valued at $5.32.

That was a mean thing to do... A resident on Monte Avenue in LaPrairie reported someone listed her home for rent on Craigslist. It wasn't for rent.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random Thoughts....

  • Our favorite Uncle Airwick and brotha turns 36 today! Wowsers, where does the time go? I'm not going to say that I remember him when he was just a little tike - ha! I hardly remember when I was a little tike; however, if he's 36 that means that I'm pushing closer to that '30' mark... yikes. We better slow down this yearly birthday stuff...
  • Asher giggles a lot now. He'll be in his car seat, cruisin' along and something will just make him laugh. He brings a smile to my face every time. I love that kid.
  • "The real test in life is not in keeping out of the rough, but in getting out after you are in." This was one of the fortunes tonight at Chinese. Our tradition is to add 'in bed' after every fortune because 1) it just makes us laugh and 2) they typically sound better that way. This fortune though really makes me think... it made me put the paper in my pocket to remember it later. So, here I am sharing this with you... do with it as you wish.
  • Okay... one more. "The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands." Again, this one doesn't seem as funny when you put 'in bed' behind it - rather it really made me think for some reason. Yep, relationships are not always a walk in the park but the ability to hold hands through it all - okay, and still actually like each other when the storm has pass. ;)
  • I removed ice from my roof today. I found this to be rather fun. Don't worry, Asher was with Uncle Airwick - not on the roof with me. What type of parent do you take me for? ;)
  • I love warm weather. I only filled the stove twice today - twice. That's a miracle and it also means that I was able to sleep through the evening without having to get up to stoke the stove. I like that.
  • I had a Margarita with a friend today - we needed it. I love my friend.
  • Damon was in the ER last night, for those of you who know D, this is not a surprising. The best part of this story is that he is out of town working nights. I get the call at 2am, from D to let me know. It goes down like this: I believe that my alarm (of which I do not have set) is going off - so I'm randomly pushing buttons on my phone, I push buttons and of course the phone is answered, I go back to sleep because the noise has stopped (this is a normal reaction right!?) and from my phone I hear my husband saying, "Hello? Manda? Heeelllllo? Manda, pick up."... He's so understanding. To make a long random thought short - coal, eye, torn 'something or another', pirate patch, heal time: 24-48 hours...

Silence has taken over the house - Asher is giving the baby monitor a break in action. Which reminds me... Damon says that Asher will be 10 and I'll still have a baby monitor in his room... husbands, so silly. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Law Report...

Okay, I threw away the paper before I was able to copy this report word for word; however, it is too good to pass up!

Should have thought this one through... a gentleman drove to the Grand Rapids Police Department on Monday to report a crime in progress. The problem was - he'd been drinking, couldn't remember what the crime was and DROVE to the police station. Hmmm... he was arrested for drunk driving.

I heard this one on the radio...

A male in St. Louise County was sentenced to 6 years/6 months in prison for burning down an auto body shop (of which he worked at). You see, he didn't intentionally burn down his place of employment, he was stealing loot out of the cars and couldn't see. So he used a lighter to provide the light which in return started a car on fire.... seriously!? That's quality help...

1 Year Pictures....

Better late than never...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Thoughts From a Wednesday...

Oh, wait it's Tuesday...
  • Asher smells like Tuna and I can't figure out why?
  • I was reading in a magazine (one of my mama's) that you can get a shower cap for your butt. Okay, it wasn't exactly that but it looked similar and the title was "Stop embarrassing leaks"... bwaaaah. So, it's like a shower cap but instead of not letting an outside subsatance in - you're attempting to keep inside substance in. Same difference. I wonder if you sound like plastic bag when you walk?
  • Same magazine... "Padded Underwear"... really? I mean, seriously? I don't know of too many people who are interested in making their butts appear larger? I'm always attempting to make mine look smaller... interesting.
  • Oh, one more from the magazine... pressure point rings that help you lose weight. Really? I'll take 10... that should do me - no more treadmill for this Chicky. I'm just going to wear a fashionable ring and watch the pounds fall off. Whew, I wish I would have known how easy this was going to be!
  • Ned runs in his sleep - rather annoying.
  • Asher is teething .... again. I wish I could just get him a set of false teeth and call it good. This teething is ridiculous! They have to hurt so bad - I wish I could make it all stop ... for the sake of us sleeping at night and his comfort. :)
  • The last time I polled my viewers (two of you to be exact) as to which you run out of first: shampoo or conditioner. So, from that post and a few others that I've talked with we have... Shampoo: 2 Conditioner: 4 ... not the landslide I was looking for but none-the-less it proves my point. Conditioner is more popular than shampoo AND the two shampoo 'over users' are over the age of 50. What we have to look forward to in our older years - over usage of shampoo. Interesting.
  • We went to a water park this last weekend - I love the lazy river. My favorite part about it would be the 'lazy' part. Kickin' back, floating around, bumping into people you don't know and pretending like you weren't playing bumper boats... ya, it was a great weekend of being lazy. :)
  • I wanna be a Billionaire ... (new song on the ipod - love it)
  • My computer is being stupid and I can't figure out what the issue is besides that it doesn't agree with my itunes. Kinda sucks. It's like my computer ate my itunes and has acid reflex from it because every once in a while my computer just burps and shuts off. And my itunes is non-existent... double suck.
  • Morning nap was necessary; hoping that afternoon nap will follow. I love my babe but MAN is he crabby! Point, grunt and scream - what is the deal-ie-o!?

Enough random thoughts for one day... nap time is in session and I gotta get some stuff done! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Damon works 4 days of day shifts - has 4 days off - than 4 days of night shifts and 4 days off. Not super confusing but it certainly messes with his internal clock. He's always trying to catch up on sleep or trying to get used to the idea of staying up all night.

So today, he got home after his night shift and had to watch baby for an hour or two. When I got home he was in a hurry to get out the door and drop off some paper work he had scheduled to do in the a.m.

He walks in the door, after his errand, takes off his shoes and realizes he is only wearing one sock. Interesting.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random Thoughts from a Tuesday...

Oh, wait - it's Wednesday.
  • I really love Guacamole Chips - like made a special trip to another store to find a bag - love them.
  • It's fun to watch Asher on slippery floors and socks without traction.
  • Nap time sounds like a good idea today.
  • There was a super cute older man walking into Target at the same time as me today. I can't help but say 'Good Morning' because he is just so dang cute. I couldn't help but add in there 'Good Morning Sir - Can I open the door for you?'... it was fun to make an old man laugh that hard. He says, 'Well isn't that sweet of you to open a door for an old man." Bwaaah. I crack me up.
  • Only weeks left before I head back to work - dislike button.
  • I dropped Asher off at 'work' this morning because I had an appointment I needed to attend without him. I realize that just 12 months ago I was inconsolable about the thought of leaving my baby at daycare. I cried when I dropped him off but knew it was the best thing for the both of us. This year, I think Asher is going to be the one crying while I leave him. Pretty sure there will still be tears from mommy - only because I'm the biggest baby of them all when it comes to my babe.
  • I bought a funny birthday card for my brother today - the only thing I can think of is: I hope I haven't purchased this same card for him in the past. I know I did that one year and it was kinda embarrassing. Anyone else have that problem? Which card did you give to whom and how the heck do you keep that straight?
  • Realized as I was shopping with my mama that she uses more shampoo than she does conditioner - I was shocked. I was under the impression that everyone used more conditioner in their hair than shampoo. So the question is - do you run out of shampoo or condition first OR are you one of those 'use them equally' type of girls? I really would love to know!
  • I haven't taken Asher's 1 year pictures yet... ya, might wanna get on that.
  • I learned today that 'rolling boil' means to stir without losing the boil- interesting. Did I mention that I learned this after I put the noodles in. Stupid. However, I'm always so happy my brother has all the answer to lives questions. He's like google on speed dial. Love it.

And the baby monitor has finally stopped talking to itself - I'm gonna go and take a nap. For some odd reason I was up at 3:30am ... for what you ask? I have not a clue and I could not get back to sleep. Double stupid. Nap time is in session. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

YMCA Basketball

For the month of January I was able to help out with youth (ages 5-7) basketball. The kiddos are super fun and excited about learning to play. Ok, for the most part all of them are super fun and excited.
Me: To child on first day of practice - "So and so, I'm so glad that you decided to play basketball, you are doing an awesome job with your dribbling!"

So and So Child: "Ya, the only reason I'm here is because my mom thinks I need to be more involved. I don't even like basketball."
Envision: There are two teams of 10, which equals 20 kids (ages 5-7 :)), two coaches, only 10 playing at a time and ten sitting on the sidelines at a time. We are playing a 'game' which really means that we are running the kids back and forth up the court and reminding them to DRIBBLE!

Me: I'm attempting to put everyone back in their 'positions' after coming down the court from previously being on offense. I'm trying to explain to 5 kids (ages 5-7 :)) that they are no longer trying to shoot the ball but rather get the ball back - hence, they are on defense. I'm also trying to get the other teams players lined up to be on offense because the other coach is on the other end of the court explaining how to pass the ball in and get it down the court.

So and So Child: (This is a different 'so and so child' from the previous 'so and so child' in the last story) "Coach"

Me: "Yes, 'so and so' - no... you're on defense - oh, pay atttention when they're passing."

So and So Child: "The other kids won't let me hold the mascot (which is a stuffed animal that was suppose to bring team spirit but has rather become a pain in my butt.)

Me: "Hey, guys (yelling to side-line as I'm attempting to keep from getting hit in the head by a 'shot' ball) you need to take turns holding the stuffed animal - pleae let 'so and so' have a turn.

Minutes have passed...

So and So Child: "Coach"

Me: "Yes?" - "No, you can't run outta bounds with the ball, Remember you always have to dribble, Oh, we need to stand up so we can be ready for the ball."

So and So Child: Holding two fingers up his nose holes... "Someone over there is farting and it stinks real bad - I can hardly breathe."
I love basketball but more than that I love that we, as insane adults, are trying to teach 5 YEAR OLDS how to play basketball when they are much more interested in sitting on the floor, throwing the mascot and farting in public. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lessons Directly From The Man

We've been trying to help Asher use his words. Every time he points at something we say... "Use your words, do you want your blankie/sippy cup/toy?"

So, today in church... words came spilling out of the mouth of our babe. It was point and in our most loud church voice possible - 'Neee, Nuh, Uh, Uh, Uh".

I love how God brings lessons full circle. We've wanted him to speak... just didn't say 'when' or 'how loud' those words should come. Now its learning onto learning a quiet voice... ha!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dang Squirrels

I hear it has been a hard winter for the squirrels.

They've been stockpiling nuts.

Three of my neighbors have gone missing.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Drain Already...

A few weeks back the kitchen sink wouldn't drain. I would drain one side and it would fill up the other - it was awesome. I always feel blessed that such instances occur when D is home; otherwise, I would find myself doing dishes in the bathroom sink or eating off paper plates.

So, D calls his dad, gets a game plan and decides that we need to tear apart the whole drainage system. This is not exactly an easy project, since we've had to do it one other time, we were not looking forward to doing so at 7 o'clock at night!

Wait. Hold the Boat. Uncle Airwick to the rescue!

He, Uncle Airwick, suggests we just take a plunger to the sink and our drainage problems would be solved - at least for the evening. After a very short discussion - it was decided that if it worked it would be a much easier solution!

I was selected to be the lucky plunger of the sink. Being vertically challenged - I grab a stool or a chair or something very sturdy to stand on because I'm going to give that sink heck! Damon takes his position under the sink, to be honest - I'm not exactly sure why? But none-the-less this story would not be half as funny if he had not been laying under the sink observing the process.

We fill the sink up with water and I take position.

Me: "Are you ready?"
Damon: "Yep, give it a try."

I really put my body into it, I mean - I used my knees and a small jump to get that plunger to do it's job.... and "Whooosh!" the plunger came down and all the water came out the other drain! It went straight up, hit the ceiling and came down on Damon who had his mouth open (I think to remind me to put something in the other drain prior to plunging :)) and we were soaked. Probably not the most brilliant move on my part but seriously has to be one of the most funny things I have accidentally done to Damon in a long time!

The sink, it drained... just need a little help and muscle from the lady in the house.

Mommy's Helper

When in the laundry room I always talk through the process of putting the clothes in the washer, into the dryer, shutting the door/lid, adding detergent, etc... Today I was pulling clothes out of the dryer and folding - I looked down to find Ash putting daddy's dirty socks and boxers into the dryer. Very helpful. Not having to wash them first saved me a whole lot of time and energy - why didn't I think of that!? :)
Ash also likes to help out in the wood room. Note to readers: baby is always being watched closely when allowed to fill the stove. HA! Okay, anyways... Ash likes to help 'fill the furnace'. When you go into the wood room to grab a piece he always has to grab one too. We walk over to the stove, of which he realizes is a big 'NO', and he hands you the pieces he's managed to carry over.
And lastly, how does one effectively pick up all the toys when a 1 year old is helping. You don't.

The End.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just In Case...

I love kiddos. I really do. I love their innocents. This was a conversation I had last night at Basketball with a 5 year old.

Said 5 year old takes a digger on the gym floor and instantly becomes dramatic about the situation.

Me: "Hey, good digger! Are you okay buddy?"
5 Year Old: "I don't know... I already scrapped my knee once this week."
Me: "Oh man, it looks like you got it in the same spot again!"
5 Year Old: "Ya, it pretty much hurts."
Me: "Do you think you can stand up and walk on it?"
5 Year Old: *Slowly climbing to his feet* "I think so, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a band-aid ... just in case it starts to bleed."

And even though I knew that it by no means was his knee going to start bleeding - we went and got a band-aid and said 5 year old was as good as new! As an adult I sometimes wish situations were that easy... that we could simply apply a band-aid and everything would be as good as new! :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Out with the Old -

In with the New!

I love new beginnings. Maybe that's why I enjoy the start of each day, Mondays (if I'm not heading out the door to work) and the beginning of a new year. It brings hope. It brings hope that you can make a different choice or a choose a different path with a fresh start.

Thoughts from 2010:
love knows no bounds. babies grow fast. family is forever. true friends are always there. things that are important aren't things. jobs are not a dime a dozen but opportunities to change are. our dog eats way to many birds in our yard. when the going gets tough - we get innovative. wood heat is awesome. sleep is optional. teething sucks. photography is more than a job - it's a passion. living apart is rough. listening is important. communication is key. being together after being apart has its challenges. when every thing falls apart - faith and a lot of chocolate are a great team. babies don't mind where or who they throw up on. loading your drawers has true meaning now. christmas isn't about how many presents but the love. forgive and forget takes time. being true to you is priority. parenting is a joy. sometimes changing your path is the key to self-love. honesty is the best policy. music is important. daycare = opportunities and flu bugs. flu bugs don't care if they are recycled for weeks in a household. big pumpkins are fun. electronics are better than toys. 'dada' is our super hero. emergency room visits happen. multiple times. let people know how you feel. and lastly.... take each day to be thankful and know that if you're not so much liking today - a brighter tomorrow is only a few hours away.

Here's to a new year filled with new lessons to be learned! May your new year give you the opportunity to learn from your yesterdays and make you better for your tomorrows!