Not to worry - goggles are required, safety first! :)

Step Two: Hurry up and get him outside (his favorite place to be)
and he'll be golden for at least a few minutes... Step Three: The break down. Throw yourself onto the floor in
attempts to get the stupid dragon costume off! :) Besides spending the evening with my boys - I think my favorite part of the night was at Ron and Vicki's house. Asher was generously helping himself to the bowl of candy (as I was generously putting the handfuls back into the bowl) and I say to Asher, "What do we say when someone is nice and gives us something?" He looks at me and says, "More?".
It's bringing him such joy - I mean, look at that smile!
Putting around your neck - definitely not a good idea. I'm pretty sure in between taking pictures I told him he should stop.
It's so stretchy and fun! How could this possibly be bad for me mama!?
I didn't get the last picture in this frame due to excessive crying ... but I think you probably get the idea of what happens next...
Well, that's all the 'radom-ness' I have for one night... Babe is sleeping, I've got dishes to be done and some rhubarb crisp to eat. :)
Asher - 14 Months Old - first day of daycare 2011
Silence has taken over the house - Asher is giving the baby monitor a break in action. Which reminds me... Damon says that Asher will be 10 and I'll still have a baby monitor in his room... husbands, so silly. :)
Enough random thoughts for one day... nap time is in session and I gotta get some stuff done! :)
And the baby monitor has finally stopped talking to itself - I'm gonna go and take a nap. For some odd reason I was up at 3:30am ... for what you ask? I have not a clue and I could not get back to sleep. Double stupid. Nap time is in session. :)