Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Law Report...

Why there are some things I just don't want to know... An adult female and a juvenile female were cited for theft at 2:01 pm after they were caught shoplifting at a business on 29th Street Southeast in Grand Rapids. One was caught with hair coloring valued at $8.52 and the other was caught with two small bottles of "male endurance formula" valued at $5.32.

That was a mean thing to do... A resident on Monte Avenue in LaPrairie reported someone listed her home for rent on Craigslist. It wasn't for rent.


meg said...

Hmm. If you're going to (ahem, or "need" to) steal something... why would you choose hair color and some male endurance formula?? Although hey, combine the two and maybe you have a party?!?!

~cody said...
