Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random Thoughts....

  • Our favorite Uncle Airwick and brotha turns 36 today! Wowsers, where does the time go? I'm not going to say that I remember him when he was just a little tike - ha! I hardly remember when I was a little tike; however, if he's 36 that means that I'm pushing closer to that '30' mark... yikes. We better slow down this yearly birthday stuff...
  • Asher giggles a lot now. He'll be in his car seat, cruisin' along and something will just make him laugh. He brings a smile to my face every time. I love that kid.
  • "The real test in life is not in keeping out of the rough, but in getting out after you are in." This was one of the fortunes tonight at Chinese. Our tradition is to add 'in bed' after every fortune because 1) it just makes us laugh and 2) they typically sound better that way. This fortune though really makes me think... it made me put the paper in my pocket to remember it later. So, here I am sharing this with you... do with it as you wish.
  • Okay... one more. "The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands." Again, this one doesn't seem as funny when you put 'in bed' behind it - rather it really made me think for some reason. Yep, relationships are not always a walk in the park but the ability to hold hands through it all - okay, and still actually like each other when the storm has pass. ;)
  • I removed ice from my roof today. I found this to be rather fun. Don't worry, Asher was with Uncle Airwick - not on the roof with me. What type of parent do you take me for? ;)
  • I love warm weather. I only filled the stove twice today - twice. That's a miracle and it also means that I was able to sleep through the evening without having to get up to stoke the stove. I like that.
  • I had a Margarita with a friend today - we needed it. I love my friend.
  • Damon was in the ER last night, for those of you who know D, this is not a surprising. The best part of this story is that he is out of town working nights. I get the call at 2am, from D to let me know. It goes down like this: I believe that my alarm (of which I do not have set) is going off - so I'm randomly pushing buttons on my phone, I push buttons and of course the phone is answered, I go back to sleep because the noise has stopped (this is a normal reaction right!?) and from my phone I hear my husband saying, "Hello? Manda? Heeelllllo? Manda, pick up."... He's so understanding. To make a long random thought short - coal, eye, torn 'something or another', pirate patch, heal time: 24-48 hours...

Silence has taken over the house - Asher is giving the baby monitor a break in action. Which reminds me... Damon says that Asher will be 10 and I'll still have a baby monitor in his room... husbands, so silly. :)

1 comment:

meg said...

--I wish I could've been there to watch you kickin' snow/ice butt up on that roof! :) You rock!

--Gonna have to remember to add 'in bed' to my fortunes next time!

--HOORAY for margaritas!

--Geesh! It has been so long since Damon had an ER visit... I suppose he just figured he was due! ;)

--and a Happy Birthday to Uncle Airwick :)

LOVE your random thoughts! ;)