Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh So Random...

  • Damon did a craft show this last weekend. As we were sitting at the booth we over heard two older (in their 60's) women having a conversation as they walked by. All we heard was one older lady telling the other, "All I'm going to bring is clean underwear and knee pads." Huh.

  • Did I tell you that Asher now says 'Apple' - random, which is why it fits perfect with my post.

  • I made lasagna tonight - what it lacked in all the herbs and spices that you're suppose to add, it made up for it in cheese. Yum.

  • It is only two more weeks until Bloomers is 'officially' open - depending on the weather, wow, these last few weeks have flown by!

  • My house is still relatively clean - still clean to where if you stopped by, I wouldn't be embarrassed. Who am I and what I have I done with the 'old Manda'? - This includes my laundry for those of you who are dying to know about my commitment to staying clean. :)

  • This last weekend Asher got up before 7am both Saturday and Sunday - what the heck!? This fine Monday morning, I had to DRAG him outta his crib, kicking and screaming because he wanted to sleep in. I think it's time for us to give him his first lesson on weekends and sleeping in.

  • We might be flying to Wisconsin this weekend - very random, kinda excited. Hope Ash does okay on his first airplane ride. Ha, who am I kidding - I hope I do okay on my 3rd airplane ride! :)

  • My in-laws came over last Tuesday evening, ate supper, played games and watched Asher on Wednesday. It was super fun. We played sequence, with a capital 's', and Rog and I kicked BUTT! We took 6 outta 6 games - I'm looking forward to their next visit to see how lucky Rog and I get! :)

  • We're getting 'oh so close' to the end of wood burning season - which means we get to clean up the basement and keep it that way for few months, awesome.

  • I saw a chap stick at L&M this last weekend named, "Chicken Poop" - don't worry, on the back side of the tube it stated that there were not any actual ingredients of poo. Whew.

  • I delivered a planter to the clinic a few weeks back - a little something to celebrate the first day of spring for a lady who worked there from her sister. Such a fun idea. I realized after I had got back to Bloomers that my zipper was down. Classy.

  • I miss my nephew - I wish I could see him more. I wish we could go for walks at night, play at parks and read books together.

  • I'm excited for this summer. I can't wait to go on boat rides, camping, tubing, fishing and just playing outside with Asher - he really enjoys being outside, I can't wait to enjoy warm weather together.

  • I love Guacamole Chips. Love. Them.


meg said...

Bwwwwahhhh!!! Clean undies and knee pads. Wouldn't you like to know just what those ladies were getting themselves into?!? Or...perhaps not?!? ;)

Mmm. Lasagna. AND! Fresh bread?!? :) Hee hee hee!

Keep on rockin' with your tidy-ness! The Saari Crew is also trying to stay ahead of the daily mess - not an easy task.

Monday mornings suck! Asher is obviously wise beyond his years and has already figured this out!!

How fun to get to fly to Wisconsin! Hope it all goes well and that you have a wonderful time!

I am still baffled by the "Chicken Poop" chapstick... I mean, really?!? What in the world??

BWAAH HA HA HA HA!! *Note to self: always check zipper before doing any sort of delivery work! ;)

S U M M E R . . . Cannot wait for it either! Ahhhh. Warmth. Sunshine. Fun. Glorious!!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Chicken poop chapstick? Your zipper was DOWN! Your house is still clean and you've kept up on your laundry! Amazing! This might be my favorite random post to date! :)

ClubChanga5 said...

zipper your talking my language and life!