Monday, November 28, 2011

Oops, that was an...

Nine - not an 8. Really just one number can make the difference.

Today I had a farmer call in asking questions about crops - I directed him to the MN Farmers Hotline (there is such a thing!). I gave him the number, happy to help. A few minutes later I get another call through and it's the same farmer.
Farmer: "I'm wondering if you could have given me the wrong number?"
Me: "Hmmm... well that's what my resource sheet says?"
Farmer: "Well, it was a 'are you lonely' number."
Me: "Bwwaaaaahhhh!"
Okay, I did not really laugh that hard in his ear; however, I certainly laughed that hard when I got off the phone! I gave him a '8' instead of a '9' and one digit made the difference. Not sure how funny he thought any of that was but I've been giggling to myself all day about it! :)

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