Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Thoughts From a Wednesday...

Oh, wait it's Tuesday...
  • Asher smells like Tuna and I can't figure out why?
  • I was reading in a magazine (one of my mama's) that you can get a shower cap for your butt. Okay, it wasn't exactly that but it looked similar and the title was "Stop embarrassing leaks"... bwaaaah. So, it's like a shower cap but instead of not letting an outside subsatance in - you're attempting to keep inside substance in. Same difference. I wonder if you sound like plastic bag when you walk?
  • Same magazine... "Padded Underwear"... really? I mean, seriously? I don't know of too many people who are interested in making their butts appear larger? I'm always attempting to make mine look smaller... interesting.
  • Oh, one more from the magazine... pressure point rings that help you lose weight. Really? I'll take 10... that should do me - no more treadmill for this Chicky. I'm just going to wear a fashionable ring and watch the pounds fall off. Whew, I wish I would have known how easy this was going to be!
  • Ned runs in his sleep - rather annoying.
  • Asher is teething .... again. I wish I could just get him a set of false teeth and call it good. This teething is ridiculous! They have to hurt so bad - I wish I could make it all stop ... for the sake of us sleeping at night and his comfort. :)
  • The last time I polled my viewers (two of you to be exact) as to which you run out of first: shampoo or conditioner. So, from that post and a few others that I've talked with we have... Shampoo: 2 Conditioner: 4 ... not the landslide I was looking for but none-the-less it proves my point. Conditioner is more popular than shampoo AND the two shampoo 'over users' are over the age of 50. What we have to look forward to in our older years - over usage of shampoo. Interesting.
  • We went to a water park this last weekend - I love the lazy river. My favorite part about it would be the 'lazy' part. Kickin' back, floating around, bumping into people you don't know and pretending like you weren't playing bumper boats... ya, it was a great weekend of being lazy. :)
  • I wanna be a Billionaire ... (new song on the ipod - love it)
  • My computer is being stupid and I can't figure out what the issue is besides that it doesn't agree with my itunes. Kinda sucks. It's like my computer ate my itunes and has acid reflex from it because every once in a while my computer just burps and shuts off. And my itunes is non-existent... double suck.
  • Morning nap was necessary; hoping that afternoon nap will follow. I love my babe but MAN is he crabby! Point, grunt and scream - what is the deal-ie-o!?

Enough random thoughts for one day... nap time is in session and I gotta get some stuff done! :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I love the random thoughts! Maybe I should try out that shower cap diaper/underwear thing-a-ma-jigger? However, I wouldn't want to sound like a giant baggy.
Oh, conditioner always runs out first. :)

meg said...

Ok. So, what in the world kind of magazine were you reading?!? How many people out there really want or need padded underwear?? :) And just HOW padded are they? Are we talking Beyonce/ J.Lo type junk in the trunk or just an average fillin-out-your-jeans kind of fluff?? :)

Team Tuttle said...

Meg, the funny part is they were 'adjustable' padded underware - make them as full or as small as you want! Bwaaaah! Like I said, who in the world would think this is a good idea?! As for the magazine, it was just one of those wierd - everything odd - under the sun kinda magazines. They are great entertainment. :)

meg said...

HAAAAA!!! Adjustable!! :) Like with air?? Hmm. Air infusion to boost your bum? Pump up your panties? Hee hee. The adverse affects of the possibility of one of your cheeks "deflating" and sounding more like a whoopie cushion would probably deter a lot of folks! :)