When lay off season starts - I always wish it wouldn't go soooo fast! I can't believe that November is already in the books and Christmas is just around the corner. I can't help but look at November and wonder, "What the heck did I do?"... And than I remember...
I went hunting with my brother for the first time... 

We had multiple sleep-overs and opportunities for quality
time with Papa Willie & Grandma Kathy...

time with Papa Willie & Grandma Kathy...

Taylor & Gage came and played... 

Asher went down the slide for the first time... 

We spent Thanksgiving with all of our family...
We're learning to share and play with others...
We went to our first Beaver Hockey game with Papa Rog & Grandma Deb...

Asher is even learning how to walk - he does very well and it won't be long
before he is off and running without Grandma's walker!
before he is off and running without Grandma's walker!

And most importantly, I've spent my November just being a mommy. Taking some time to breathe and enjoy what a blessing we've been given. To wake up in the morning and have breakfast together, play, snuggle, read and do all those mommy things I miss so much during my work season. November was a great month - I'm excited to start December!

YAY for mommy time! Here's to more months of just being together with little man. Love you both. :)
Wow. November looked pretty great!! Think of all the fun December has waiting for you!!! Asher is so lucky to get his Momma full-time all winter long! :)
Keep enjoying all your snuggly, cuddly, book-reading, poo-smearin', feet testin', jibber-jabberin', toilet fishin', shoe hidin' fun times together! :)
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