Monday, November 15, 2010


Lets face it - I hate spiders. I really do.

Just tonight as I was filling the furnace, I was thinking to myself.. "Self, why do you hate spiders?" It goes back to my childhood...

I had a sibling, we won't name any names to keep from said party from being ratted out on my blog, who use to pretend that spiders were crawling on me. He/she would make this a very dramatic situation... "Oh my gosh, Manda - there's a spider... oh, oh no - it's moving up your back. Manda, oh no - yep, it's going in your hair." At this point, I'm pretty sure because I fell for it EVERY time, I was doing the scream, run around in circles, stop - drop - and roll because as I said earlier, I hate spiders.

Which brings me back to this evening. I'm filling the furnace when I look down and see none else but a spider scittering (that's definitely a word) up the wall. I instantly get shivers, the sweats and the shakes (okay, it probably wasn't that bad) but you get the picture of how much I dislike spiders and than it hit me...

If I don't kill the spider taking off up the wall, he's heading right for my bedroom two flights up and I'm sure he'll haunt me at a later date. And I kill him. With my bare fingers. Yep, right there in the basement I take my finger and I smoosh the poor innocent spider. With my FINGERS! Only because there truly was a lack of anything else to grab at that very moment and man those suckers are fast!

It was right there that I realized my own strenght. Letting something that horribly roam my house meant that at a different time, a time when I'm probably sleeping and don't even know it he'd come back to get me... so, there you have it, I over came a childhood fear this very evening.

Have I forgiven the sibling that made me freaked out about spiders in the first place? Definitely, I think I've probably got my payback in over time. :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Shame on me.
I'm the said sibling.
The turd.
The meanie.
The I-cannot-believe-I-ever-did-that-to-you sister.

meg said...

Ha! The culprit is revealed!! :) Oh the things siblings do to torture one another!

I too hate spiders...and applaud you for squishing one with your bare hand! EEW!! I need at least
two or three tissues between me and a spider before I even go near it! :)