Sunday, November 21, 2010

Last Friday Night

I was so excited to call it an early evening! By 11:30pm, I'd crawled into bed and snuggled in for a hopeful 'sleep through the evening' kinda night.

Instantly, I hear weird noises coming from the baby monitor. It sounds like someone or something is in Asher's room. I listen closer... *meow*.

Dang cat. She likes to sleep on the rocking chair and I often times don't see her when I shut the door. Out of bed I crawl, down the stairs I go and I crack open Asher's door. All I see is a paw darting out at me from under the door - a game. First, she knows how to meow into the child monitor and now she thinks we should play. The moment I try to grab her, she runs and hides - so the game we play. I'm down on all fours, moving my fingers in attempts to get her attention - it works. She pounces my hand and games over. I win.

Back to bed I go - until 2am.

Crying coming from the monitor - dang, we were doing so good at sleeping through the evening! Out of bed I crawl, down the stairs I go and make a warm bottle of water for the babe. I walk into his room and go to grab him out of his crib. Stuck. Huh? What is going on here? Crap. Babies foot is stuck in between the rungs in his crib. Mind you at 2am, I'm sleep walking and as confused as ever! He is definitely wedged. I'm trying to hold him up with one hand, super easy because he's so tiny, and finagle his little foot with the other. A whole lot of crying, snuggling and warm water later - he's back in his crib. Note to myself: buy bumpers for crib.

As I walked out of Asher's room, I realize it feels kinda chilly. Looking at the fridge I realize it is only 14 degrees outside and 65 inside ... brrrrr! Down to the furnace, fill'er up and crank the dampener... we'll be warm in no time.

Back to bed I go - until 4am.

At this point, I'm totally confused as I stumble down the stairs and into Asher's room. I start to rock him because I'm not exactly sure what he needs. I find, he needs a good laugh, duh. And as if that isn't bad enough at 4 in the morning - the cat figured she'd provide the entertainment. She comes into the room, jumps up on his night stand and starts playing with her shadow on the wall from the glow of the baby monitor. Awesome, because Asher finds this hilarious. He is giggling and giggling and giggling. She jumps down and makes her way to tub next to the rocking chair - just out of reach of Ash. He grabs her tail, she bats at him and he giggles and giggles. I'm trying to refrain from being nauseated - I just need some sleep.

I decide to just put Asher back in his crib, seeing as though, he wasn't wedged but just needing a good laugh. As I walk out of his room, I remember to check the temperature before I head back up to bed. The fridge says that the outside temp is 15 and the house is still 65... maybe we should have done some insulating this last summer?

Asher continued to talk for another 1/2 hour before he gave up and went back to sleep. It's times like these that I wish I could throw the monitor out the window... :)

If being a mom has taught me anything it is this: the moment you believe you'll eat, sleep, shower or sit quietly by yourself for 2 seconds - your baby has other plans. I've decided to try reverse psychology - I hate sleep and I hope I don't get any tonight. :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Reverse psychology! Did it work?! I've been trying it too, but I'm not sure I'm tricking God with it, though. :)
I am loving your everyday, mommy writings. You are clearly hitting the nail on the head with what you're experiencing and how you can feel. The humor - YOUR humor - is the best part, though. Thanks for always make me laugh regardless if you're in the room with me or miles away.

meg said...

I think during your "off season" you should consider starting your own reality show!!! :)

I love it! :)