Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stupid Deer vs. Bad Shot

As the snow falls around me, I'm snuggled into my stand. The stand that my loving husband recently fixed. This time I find myself sitting on the bench rather than on the floor - definitely a step up; however, tonight as I sit, there is no block from the fluffy white snow coming down. I find my bright orange being covered with white.

I've only been sitting for 20 minutes - reading my book, minding my own when I hear it.... I look up to see (what I think at the time) is a small doe. She stands about 50 yards away. I can feel my heart start to thump in my chest - a deer, finally!

I watch as it gracefully walks out of my view. It's always fun to see something and back to my book I go... until about 2 seconds later.

I hear crunching coming towards me... louder, louder and wah-laa - spiker (term used to describe a deer with just two horns. You see it sounds funny to call it a two horner.) The only thing this hunter can think is 'Dang it!'. The spiker has placed himself about 10 feet from my stand - broadside. I can't move. Nope, he's looking right at me... 'Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact'... Why you ask? I'm not sure but I figure I should probably keep to holding still, not making eye contact and pretending as though I'm not really sitting in BRIGHT orange just 10 feet from this creature.

If only had a big stick or maybe a rock... I could just bonk him or sling shot a rock at his head... would have been smart to be prepared for this moment. You know, the moment where something actually walks into shooting range (10 feet).

He continues on and I do get the opportunity to at least get my gun up ... and that's it. So, I sit hoping to see something else and this time holding my gun. *Note to readers, this isn't a bad idea when you're hunting, you know - having your gun handy enough to shoot something*

Low and behold he circles around. Yep, this is where 'stupid deer' vs. 'bad shot' come into play. He walks into a 50-70 yard range and it's now or never... *Boom*....

Gun jams. I'm playing with it. 'Stupid Deer' continues to walk towards the field like nothing. How can he not be stunned? At least act scared? Nope, nothing... he makes his way out of my sight as quickly as he made his way into my sight - the first, second and third time.

I'm sure it's the gun...

One more hunting thought... every year I bundle up in my 'lucky' clothes as I tag them. As I was walking out of the woods tonight I couldn't help but think about what type of luck those deer have! I think maybe a change of wardrobe is in store for me... the bright orange is here to stay but maybe the sweatshirt from 7th grade and the socks that I wear every year need to go. Superstitious... naw. :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I was so hoping to hear from you last night with a successful deer hunting story. (Even though I really love all of the funny, mishap stories. They're always a great belly laugh!)
Switch you your clothes, check over your gun and GO GET THAT TURDY POINT OTENEAGEN BUCK! YOU CAN DO IT, SISTA! :)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

you your
Translation: out your

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

PS - I'm still loving the fact that you are BACK to BLOGGING! :)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

PSS - You already have seven posts in November! You can easily beat out the previous highest number in June. (This is just me wanting to see more --- more photos of Chubby Chubberton and more funny stories from the sister I love.)

meg said...

"two horner"! HA!! :) Sorry your hunting efforts came up a bit short. But at least you had some peaceful time to yourself! That is a great reward in itself!