Sunday, November 21, 2010

They Say It Gets Worse

Really? Once little man is off and walking - it'll get worse. He is already into everything and when I tell him to stop doing whatever he's doing he crawls, climbs, chews, eats, swallows, sticks his hand in the toilet - even faster! Which brings me to his huge accomplishment of today - steps taken without holding onto anything! Yay! It also brings to an example of the craziness I'm already dealing with on a daily basis....

We finish up our evening bottle (which by the way, Operation 'Sleep Through Night', is going really well, odd.) Anyways. We're done with the bottle and he wants down. I can hear his grunts from behind the chair which can only mean one thing... time for a poo.

I let this go on for a few minutes and decide it is time to battle the diaper change. I'm not sure why changing diapers and putting on clothing is soooo dramatic but it is - every time. There is typically a lot of twisting, turning, screaming and escaping to be done.

I give him a toy to play with. Diaper is off ... ewwww. Yes, we have poo and a lot of it. Wipe, wipe, wipe... at least a 4 wipe wiper and than I hear it... *grunt*...

We have more poo... and this time no diaper to catch it. I did however put him down on a changing mat this time and thank God it was catching most of the problem. "Let'er buck" was about the only thing I could think. Then...

The twisting, turning, screaming and escaping happens. Shoot! He's maneuvered himself out of my grasp and has crawled over to a tub where he is standing, butt naked, smiling at me. Okay, first things first, I try to get some wipes to clean off the changing mat because I'm obviously going to need some place to lay the poo boy. As I'm trying to wipe off the mat I hear *splat*...

Asher falls. On his butt. On my floor. And now we have poo splattering. Awesome. As I'm attempting to pick him up he throws his leg into the mess and simple diaper change has gone horrible wrong.

I move the poo'ed up changing mat, lay the poo'ed up boy down and get him wiped, diapered and pajama's put back on. A miracle.

I grab a wipe to swipe the floor before letting him go - as I'm zigging - he's zagging. I go to the left to clean poo - he grabs to the right where the changing mat and dirty diaper have been left unattended.

And that my friends was just one diaper, one changing and only one child! I can hardly wait for the adventures of him walking - never a dull moment in this household! :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

This reminds me of the first time I changed Ella's poopy diaper way back when. I ended up with poo all over my sleeves; she ended up with a diaper finally on and a onsie that was put on backwards. Why do they have to be such squirmy little suckers?! Geez!

meg said...

Not worse... just slightly more complex! ;)

Anyone who has ever had or taken care of an infant/almost toddler/or toddler can certainly relate to this entire story!!! I know I've had my share of poo shenanigans!!!
*(example? Brady was probably around Asher's age, when low and behold, his diaper "failed" horribly...all over our very light colored carpet...and it was one of those super fun, interestingly colored, very runny type poos... the result was a circular stain about the size of an ice cream pail cover. It's never fully come out. And it makes me laugh every time I take the resolve to it!)*

Keep rolling with it! :)