Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Joys of Grocery Shopping

Maybe you enjoy this weekly task but I dread it. I really do. Today as I was going up and down the isles, checking my list, back-tracking, substituting, back-tracking and finally standing in line at the check out, I learned a few things about my shopping experiences:

1) They never have the Gatorade that Damon likes. Never. Okay, than again, I can never remember what type he likes but am always assured that if I saw the name, I would be able to identify that it is the one he likes. Unfortunately, it is never on the shelf, therefore difficult for me to identify.

Side note: Is there really a difference between Arctic Blue, Blue Rush and Blue Frost - or whatever the ridiculous names are. Damon seems to think so and this wifey always gets the picking wrong. Maybe if they had more to choose from - I'd get it right. :)

B) I can stare at the pudding section for hours and still cannot find vanilla.

C) Why are the ripe bananas in the cereal isle? You would think they would put the green bananas there... You know, as a "You should have picked these up two isles back... now you have to settle or turn back!" I always seem to pick up green bananas (where they should be - forgetting about the treasured cereal isle) than I put my green bananas on the rack and take a perfectly ripe set. Now that I think about it, all the bananas in the cereal isle should be green from everyone switching them. No big deal, I suppose if you don't mind green bananas.

4) I love when you are excited to try a new recipe; however, I hate when it comes to finding the FREAKING ingredients! This is nightmare when you're not used to looking for a specific product. You'd think it would be easy to find with all those big signs labeling everything! Here's how it went down today at CUB and Wal-Mart.

I figured finding the 'fancy' ham was going to be the a piece of cake. I mean how many places can this fancy ham - needed for a recipe from my sista - be hiding? I check the meat coolers, um... nope. Okay, the ham section - no. Oh, how about the breakfast meats... nopers. Back and forth - forth and back... I cannot find this stupid ham. I made this pattern at CUB and Wal-Mart before I decided to give up.

Here's the kicker - you say, "Why wouldn't you just ask someone for help?" ... Because all I can remember is that the dang ham is called the 'fancy ham' and maybe it starts with a 'R' or no, make that a 'T'.. wait, I think it is a 'P'. I get home to find it was a 'P' pronounced Proscuitto. Really. Duh - how could have that slipped my mind?

And lastly, regardless of my attempts to write out a thorough list it never fails... I get home and think, "I forgot the ...."


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Oh, how I love your laid off self! Please keep the laughing out loud posts coming. I LOVE THEM and look forward to what will happen next in the life of Manda.
That darn "fancy" ham, by the way, can be found in the deli section. :)

Team Tuttle said...

You have got to be joking me... out of all the places I looked, that wasn't one of them! Argh... I guess I'll have to make a special trip to CUB to get it. Dang. :)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

PS - You really don't even need the "fancy" ham to make The Whitcomb. It will turn out just fine with good ole "cheap" and "non-fancy" regular ham too.

meg said...

I wish I could have been a spectator at this grand shopping adventure!! So funny!
And obviously I'm gonna need the recipe for whatever it is that calls for such "fancy" ingredients!! ;) Anything that causes so much trouble, must be really worth it!! :)

Team Tuttle said...

It is a really good recipe - I'll have to get it to you or I'm sure my sista probably has it on her blog already. Stupid fancy ham. ;)