Sunday, April 13, 2008


We had the parents over tonight for a BBQ - Nummy! There is absolutely nothing like Cheese Burgers off the grill with Baked Beans, Tuna Salad and Cool Ranch Chips! :) Summer is just around the corner - I can feel it! Funny enough, we did have the BBQ with snow on the deck - that doesn't slow the Tuttle's down! :)

Mama brought over her little guy tonight and I always find it quite funny that he and Ned get along so well. I was trying to get pictures of them together but Zeke was not to fond of me following him around with a flash; therefore, I had to sacrafice one dog looking for the other - Zeke won. Zeke is a 8 pound Weiner Dog while Ned is an 80 + pound Yellow Lab and they play together as though they're from the same litter. Ned is like 'mother hen' to the little guy. I've actually watched him pick Zeke up by the collar and carry him around. Maybe he thinks it a real live squeekie toy?? Who knows but its funny to watch! :)

I'm not sure that I've ever seen Ned sit up on his butt and beg for a treat before but we caught it on camera today! He looks a bit ridiculous and large... I'm sure Grandma gave in and he got multiple treats for being his cute little self! :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Too cute! I love the new picture.
I'm glad you had a great time with the BBQ!

Team Tuttle said...

Yeah, the BBQ was fun - it's always fun to have family over. MAYBE you should move closer and then we could ALL have BBQ's on Sunday nights ... I LOVE that idea! :)