We shear sheep. Damon more so than myself but none-the-less it is something we do together. 

Temperature comparison... could we pick better weekends to do this type of job!?!

Temperature from 2008...

This is a picture of a very large mama coming through the head gate... force had to be used - she was too fat to squeeze through. Apparently she needs to stay away from the feeder!

Grandpa (83) and still farming a herd of 55 sheep, Nurse Tom & Stylist Damon
It may not be a insulated barn, we may get a little cold during the process but we always have fun and one thing to be thankful for... we're not the sheep. :) We didn't get but 15 sheep done this weekend due to some shearing problems. Team Tuttle will be at it next weekend
with more pictures to follow!
A belated birthday wish to you! We're so old :). I do stop by your blog every once in awhile...er LURK...sorry! You can tell your sister I lurk hers too :). AND I didn't know that you were now related to Tom the Janitor...or Bob the Janitor, as one preschooler called him last year. Good times. Stay warm!
I love the sheep that stopped to smile for his photo op! Too cute. Hopefully it will warm up for next weekend.
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