One more thing - we got a free parking pass with these tickets. Little did we know that the parking ramp was under ground - lovely. I was pretty sure that we were going to take off the top of our truck! I just kept praying that the engineers & contractors didn't mess up on one beam! I took some pictures but am not sure if you can get the idea of just how close the cement is! It's too close! I probably would have parked some where else - where as Damon says, "Shoot, we have another 2 inches to spare."... Oh, 2 inches - that makes me feel much better! If you don't count the last corner (that we didn't make and having to back up in a traffic jam, with a 'very serious about my job parking attendant) we made it in and out without any major issues!

What fun!!! Brady asked me the other day when we can go to a hockey game. Who knew he was interested in hockey?!? Although a sport that includes sharp skate blades, big sticks, encourages rowdiness, and the shoving of other players into walls does sound right up Brady's alley! HA! :)
Parking ramps are scary to me no matter what type of vehicle you are in! Hate them!
I'm glad this time around you were able to go. (However, Mark was a bit sad about that!)
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