Monday, December 22, 2008

Taylor Rae

Taylor came and spent the night with Damon and I last Thursday - Fun, Fun, Fun! We had a great time with a tresure hunt, opening 1 present, playing car B-I-N-G-O, shopping... all the fun that we could possibly fit into one fun day! Here is Taylor having her bedtime snack... a yummy sugar cookie, probably not the best option; however, it did the trick!Taylor getting ready for school on Friday... We thought it was fitting to put the ribbon in her hair from the one present she was able to open! :)I just absolutely love Taylor and was so happy she was able to come and spend some time with me! She was pretty excited that she was getting a vacation from her little brother because she felt it was much needed! ha! :)


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

You are so kind and wonderful! ...all the ingredients needed to be a wonderful mommy in the future!

Lindsey said...

Taylor had a great time and we could not thank you enough for helping us out when we need it!
Love ya!