Friday, December 17, 2010

My Sweet Baby Boy...

This week you turned one. One full year that daddy and I have had the previleage of being your parents. There is not a day that goes by that you have not filled us with joy! This year has been a year of so many new things for all of us. You have gone from being just a baby unable to do anything for yourself to a big boy who gets into everything!

Your favorite things to play with are socks, your blankie, anything that is Ned's and Kit Kat. Ned has not taken a liking to you yet but that cat is in love with your company. You'll go into your room, shut your door and wait for the kitty paw to come after you through the crack between the floor and the door. You love this game - it makes you giggle. You also like to bull-doze the kitty when she isn't looking - she's declawed so mommy and daddy are not overly worried about her attacking you but you certainly get a lot of 'batting' at.

Some would say that you are a serious little boy but you have them fooled. You and daddy give the same looks but under that stare is such a goofy layer! You two are two peas in a pod - you love your daddy so much!

You've taught daddy and I so many lessons this year: sleep is not necessary, getting teeth is horrible, watching you get shots is more difficult than getting them ourselves, we need to be quicker at changing diapers and getting pooped on and thrown up on is only part of the package deal that we, oddly enough, are not grossed out by anymore. It makes me laugh to think about one of the first times daddy changed your diaper and you peed all over him. You've opened our eyes to a whole new world and we thank God for you and this amazing learning curve every day!
So here's to you our quirky, 6 toothed, blankie draggin', milk drinkin',
head brusin', pointin' & laughin' little boy...

Happy 1 Year New Asher John!
We love you so much and look forward to watching you grow
this next year and all the lessons you will teach us along the way!
Much Love, Daddy & Mommy

1 comment:

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I love you so much, Bruiser!