Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh, the Side Effects...

There are so many things that run through my head now-a-days - especially with the fast approaching arrival of our baby. I thought that maybe I would beat the odds and be able to wear my shoes and 'regular' clothes the whole pregnancy - ha! Here are my thoughts regarding 'it is what it is' in the life of this ever growing mama!
  • Most recently my feet have swollen to such extremes that I can't wear shoes! Yep, I thought I would dodge that bullet but I have not. I have resorted to wearing crocs... which has brought on such interesting twist to my outfits (because we know how I love to look my best - ha!:). Crocs have holes in them - not always a good thing in the winter months and my crocs are bright yellow! Trying to 'blend in' when going to the grocery store doesn't happen - which leads me to the next thought...
  • I have never been a traffic stopper but I am now! I was walking out of Target (okay, waddling) and I noticed a few different drivers unable to take their eyes off me! I'm pretty sure they are thinking they have never seen bright yellow crocs and a camo jacket coming out of Target - now if I would have been at Walmart, no one would have probably thought twice! :)
  • My hands are also swelling... yep, pregnancy carpal tunnel - nice. In the mornings I can't really move my hands and throughout the day my fingers go num. It's grand; however, there is hope that after I am done with this pregnancy - my fingers will be back to normal. I really do feel for those who suffer from carpal tunnel and can't do anything about it.
  • Now ladies... what is up with the maternity pants? Do I need to say more? I was able to go until 8 months before putting on maternity clothes and then the week of 8 pounds/5 centimeters happened! I told Damon I was getting fatter by the minute - he didn't believe me until we went to the Doctor and she confirmed! Hey, I'm growing a healthy size baby here - it's to be expected!
  • Stretch Marks - yep, another one of those 'facts of pregnancies' that I was hoping to bypass... nope. I can't see them but I know they are there! Sure enough, when I look in the mirror - they smile back at me! :)

So I guess that there are many changes that continue to happen on a daily basis but I'm finally coming to the realization that it's all good. I'm not afraid to admit that I have not always been completely okay with getting larger. I still have moments when I struggle with all these changes but I know that the reward is going to be amazing! I have a beautiful baby growing in my tummy and there are bound to be side effects! :)


Brooke said...

Don't you love all those things people don't seem to mention before you get pregnant!! GLad you are embracing them with a sense of humor!! And yes you are right-its ALL worth it in the end!! ps-I would love to see you waddle out of Target with Crocs on!!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Exactly! Focus on the beauty that's growing inside of you and the BEAUTY of being pregnant! I happen to love all of those things about you (especially the yellow Croc wearing part!) and think you look amazing. (However, I wish you weren't in pain and that your hands/wrists wouldn't hurt so badly.) It's actually hard to believe (AND SO EXCITING!) that in just a few weeks we'll be meeting "baby elephant" after all this time of waiting.
I love you pregnant sista!

LJFEIER said...

Oh, the joys of pregnancy (LOVE the waddle part). Who knew it would be over so soon? Congrats, Manda & Damon!