After months of waiting for the arrival of our baby - he's here! Making his due date about a month early... we were all a little suprised! 

Asher John
7 lbs 18 inches
December 14th @ 8:50am

Proud daddy minutes after Asher was delivered
Our first family picture - aren't I becoming?!?

Damon and I are feeling beyond blessed to have Asher in our lives. Who ever thought that something this small could bring such joy! Huge thank you to everyone who has supported us through this adventure! :) Many, many, many more pictures to come! :)
Congratulations! CUTIE!!! Enjoy every precious new baby minute! :)
And this accountant has to congratulate Asher on helping you with your 2009 tax planning! :D
YEAH! Asher got his first of many blog updates. It's great to see new pictures of the little squirt. THANKS!
I've been waiting and waiting for this post!! haha, not that you have been busy or anything!! Congrats on such a beautiful baby and an awesome Christmas present!! Can't wait to see him in person!!
He looks amazing! I'm so jealous! I can't wait to meet him!
You all look so happy! I'm just so excited for you!! EEEEEE!!
Oh... and I can't believe that you put that silly (yet cute) hat on him and took a picture... I love it!!
Hope you kids have a phenomenal Christmas!! We'll be seeing you soon I hope!
I love checking the blog and actually seeing photos of my little nephew! Thank you for completely making my night. :)
So Cute! Congratulations, can't wait to meet him sometime!
He's beautiful you guys...congratulations!
Oh so exciting! What a cutie! Congrats to you both :)
Ohhh Manda, he is absolutely precious! Congratulations! There was one picture where his expression looked just like you. :)Enjoy every minute!
it's x,mas eve....i'm all alone at home...i stumble to your blog....your baby photos is the one tat brought a very big smile on my face....Congratulations on your tiny cute baby....:)
ASHER is as handsome and adorable as the name you have chosen for him! We are so happy for you and your family, and we can't wait to get over this cold/flu season so we can come visit you all! Lots of love is sent your way!
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