Last Friday I was on my way to the YMCA and this lady was walking on the sidewalk and flagging me to stop. I stopped the truck and waved her to go ahead thinking she had dropped something in the road. She walked out into my lane and that was when I noticed that what she was stopping me from hitting - a kitty. Someone had hit or thrown a kitty out the window of their car and it was still alive in the street. I didn't exactly know what to do so - I picked it up and brought it to the vet. I figured that they would put the kitty down because it had been struck; however, they did x-rays and discovered that suprisingly there isn't anything broken in her body! She does have a bruised jaw and lungs, her back legs are limp and they are uncertain the amount of damage the rest of her body has sustained. At the time she didn't have any internal bleeding - So, they sent her home with me with pain meds and an antibiotic for 14 days.
After two days of drugs, Crash (a fitting name we thought) has improved. She has an appetite, has peed, pooped and is now starting physical therapy to get her back legs moving. :) I extremely happy to see that she is using her back legs and is walking around. Crash seems to have a sassy side too! Starting at 3am this morning she wanted attention.... meow, meow, meow! Everyone, including Ned, in the Tuttle household is adapting to this new criter and hoping she recovers from this horrible accident!
Meet Crash...

Welcome to the family, Crash! You are quite the cutie and I hope you keep getting stronger and better each day.
So the Tuttle's have a new kitty! She is very cute! And lucky to have been brought into your little family! :)
Aw! She's adorable! Someone out there must have thought that Team Tuttle needed a feline addition.
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