within the next few weeks or months! :) :) :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A New Baby!
within the next few weeks or months! :) :) :)
Never a Dull Moment..

Crash Update...

Season's End...

Damon got lucky this year and shot himself an 8 point buck. I'm extremely proud of him! We are both not exactly the best shot - so for him to down a big one, on the first shot, is awesome! :)
Mama got lucky as well - with a 125 pound doe. You'll have to ask her about how she shot her doe in the butt and shocked it to death! I'm pretty sure I could shoot a deer 4 times in the front shoulder and we'd have to search for hours - but not ma! She shot it once - in the rear mind you - and the sucker dropped 5 feet from impact. I'm extremely jealous! :) My Uncle Charlie and Donny loaded the deer ... Charlie says, "Do you have your tag Kath - you should probably put it on if you're going to be transporting it"... Mama goes and gets her tag, realizing that she doesn't have a piece of twine to attach her registration ... a hair binder works in a pinch to any of you women out there who may show up at the field unprepared! :)We brought the doe to farm that night and Damon brought it home the following day in the car - this picture just cracks me up! You might be a redneck if...
I myself did not get lucky and shoot a deer this year. I did have opportunities; however, I'm picky about the size, distance and any other variable that might be playing into the scenario - and I'm okay with that. As the years go on I am more convinced that deer hunting is not really about me shooting the deer but rather everything else that goes along with it. Deer hunting to me means getting close to nature: taking time to breathe, taking time to watch the sunrise & set over your field, watching squirrels & birds as they gather food and blow your cover with their noises. It also means spending time and making memories with those you love. I have so many great memories of me, mom and dad hunting together - they are not always the memories that make your heart melt, but none-the-less they still make me smile. And now the opportunity to share my love for hunting with my husband and his family. For the first time this year, I spent the weekend hunting our land at the farm and it was great fun. It's the hunting stories, the jokes and the memories made each year that keep me coming back. So maybe you find the whole act of hunting ruthless - freezing in your stand for hours on end, shooting at 4 legged creatures or maybe you just don't think you look good in orange but for me there are two weeks and three weekends in November that I will forever and always want to be a part of.
My boys after a long day of hunting up North...
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Halloween...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Laid Off Season...
Some have questioned how Damon and I will do with constantly having to be around each other; however, I think we'll be fine. Damon did have the break down because we didn't have any Frosted Mini Wheats left and I have cried trying to figure out unemployment but other than that - the last three days have went great! :)
We've spent most of our three days bow hunting - yeah! Damon shot and missed a 6 pointer last night (let the arrow fly a little too early) ... in result all the deer that may have walked to my stand turned and went the opposite way. ha! :) However, we are seeing deer and are excited for the rifle season to open! :)
Hopefully I will have some pictures of our 'massive' deer to post the next time around. :)
Love Ya Sis!