Last Sunday was Damon's 29th Birthday... we went Rhino-ing all day and had a BBQ with family at the farm. It was a great way to waste away the day outside with family and friends! I think the only thing that could have possibly made it any better... if we would have found some mud! The Brusters': Doug, Blake and Madison...

The Family and our new goggles - we don't have a windshield and it can get quite dusty!

Logan, Lane, Madison and Blake...

Some of the other highlights of the day...
The Dairy Queen Cake!Mark & Anthony Came to the Party! Yeah!
The orange hunting vest Damon has wanted for years... "Bring a Handicap Hunting Day" is just around the corner and Damon is very excited to go... :)
Damon took mama for a Rhino ride... screaming was to be heard by all the neighbors! She kept saying, "What if a deer jumps in here with us!"...
The new love in the family... the welder.
Rog and Deb (Damon's Parents)
Grandpa teaching Anthony how to eat Corn on the Cobb... :)
The fireworks! :)
Looks like a VERY fun AND festive birthday extravaganza! :) Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Damon!!!
Fun, fun!
Happy birthday, Dam-O!
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