Most have already heard the story about Damon and I visiting the ER today; however, for those of you have not heard here it is... Damon was playing with fire, then gas, then the Emergency Room. I guess that is pretty self-explanatory. He really is fine; however, he was complaining about his vision being blurry so we went in. The doctor did say that he will have to take some eye drops and his vision should be fine by tomorrow. As for the 'burn' he said it is comparable to a bad sun burn. The Doc prescribed him some Vicodin to ease the pain... talk about a loopy husband! I can't resist posting some pictures... If you look closely - you'll notice that we not longer have to worry about Damon having a Uni-Brow... I guess this is one way to take care of the old man eyebrows...

When we got to the Emergency Room they made Damon take off his shirt because he stunk of gas... we are the proud owners of a $1,000 Emergency Room T-shirt! As you can see, the Vicodin has kicked in from the first picture to the second...
They even sent us home with new luggage... I'm so excited that we'll have to something to put Damon's new t-shirt in! :)

And here's another picture of Damon on Vicodin... Oops, never mind - this is just his goofy shirt. (I just couldn't resist!) :)
1 comment:
Nice goofy look, Damon!
Hopefully the good uncle and godfather WON'T be teaching the little man any "ER" tricks in his lifetime!
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