Daddy and Asher getting ready to head to the field...
Llamas... yep, friendly - want you to pet me

This one really liked us... and kept following Julie around...

really likes Ryan... :)

Baby taking a nap during the process of sorting and giving shots! :)

GREAT pictures! The Llamas are hilarious!!! That first shot of Damon and Asher is too good! Damon's big smile, and Asher's serious face! :) Super cute picture header too! The Tuttle Trio at their very best!! Poo and all!
Much love to you guys!!! MISS YOU!
What great new farm photos! I'm glad that Ash Man was with you guys the whole day and had a good time. Looks like he's born to be down on the farm just like the two of you!
Your new family photo is the best. It definitely captures Team Tuttle. :)
PS - That llama is REALLY into Ryan! HA!
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