As promised.... we have a belly shot! The top picture is 6.5 months and the bottom is leaning more towards 8 months. We had an ultra sound on Tuesday and they are guessing that baby elephant is weighing in over 5 pounds! It is good to know that he is healthy and living up to his name at this point... I should of started calling him peanut! :) It's pretty cool how much baby is also moving around - on lookers can see baby doing karate chops and enjoy his hiccups! 

Simply beautiful! :)
Thanks so much (again!) for your bravery in showing off baby Tuttle! It's so exciting to watch your tummy grow!
Let the countdown begin!! WOO HOO!
YAY! I love the tummy shots! You are beautiful and so is that baby boy (um, I mean elephant) that's growing inside of you! Thanks for sharing so I can look again and again... :)
I love the new look! Very festive!
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