Last night Asher kept pointing at different items/toys and saying 'keen'. I wasn't excatly sure what the heck he was talking about. So, I got down on the floor with him and was trying to understand what he was trying to tell me. I asked him if he could show me what he wanted. At that moment he leaves the living room and I didn't think much of it as Damon and I were carrying on a conversation. Asher comes back moments later carrying the Clorox Wipes - points to his toys and says 'keen'. Ohhhh, 'clean'. The lesson learned:
1) My toddler thinks things are not clean around the house - this could be bad...
2) I'm going to need to move the Clorox wipes to a higher location (that way he can't be demanding that I clean things - oh, and he won't hurt himself trying to clean things :))
3) What the heck was I doing on the floor - it is a serious issue attempting to get back up! :)
I love that Asher is starting to use his words even more - every day I learn something new! :)