Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Cut Ood"...

What little boy doesn't love helping his Daddy? In our case, it is the love of cutting wood or as Asher says it "Cut ood". Asher got a chainsaw for his birthday and he has been outside helping Daddy get wood in the house. They also spent an evening in the garage sharpening their chains - you wouldn't want it to go dull in the process of cutting!

Not to worry - goggles are required, safety first! :)

Happy Birthday Asher!

What does a two year olds Birthday Party look like?
We scream & attempt to get away in every picture...
We take meal time very serious... We sit patiently waiting to open presents... We're learning how to share... We ride toys that we probably shouldn't in the house - cause we're only 2 once... We have amazing home-made birthday cake from our Un-Cowl... We are extremely confused when everyone starts singing the same song...
How do they all know that words?! We love you Asher John and are so proud of the little boy you are becoming!
We are so blessed to have you in our family.

Waiting on Daddy...

He knew Daddy should be home shortly... so he grab his stool & waited. He also decided that it was the evening of wearing two sets of pajama bottoms & his flannel shirt. I love this kid.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Last night Asher kept pointing at different items/toys and saying 'keen'. I wasn't excatly sure what the heck he was talking about. So, I got down on the floor with him and was trying to understand what he was trying to tell me. I asked him if he could show me what he wanted. At that moment he leaves the living room and I didn't think much of it as Damon and I were carrying on a conversation. Asher comes back moments later carrying the Clorox Wipes - points to his toys and says 'keen'. Ohhhh, 'clean'. The lesson learned:

1) My toddler thinks things are not clean around the house - this could be bad...
2) I'm going to need to move the Clorox wipes to a higher location (that way he can't be demanding that I clean things - oh, and he won't hurt himself trying to clean things :))
3) What the heck was I doing on the floor - it is a serious issue attempting to get back up! :)

I love that Asher is starting to use his words even more - every day I learn something new! :)