Monday, May 30, 2011

Whew - what a Haul!

It has been quite a while since I've been out on any blog sites - even my own! As every spring brings, the Tuttle Household is extremely busy getting back into the swing of work, daycare and trying to keep up with every day life. So here are some radom thoughts from the last week weeks in my world...

  • We were blessed with a new niece on May 2nd - Greta Sophia! I am so proud to say that she is doing well and was able to go home within a week of being welcomed into the world. She is such a strong little one and I cannot wait to meet her. She still has a journey ahead of her if you could keep her in your prayers.

  • The flowering crabs are finally in full bloom in the yard and they are beautiful! Wish they lasted longer than a few weeks.

  • A friend gave me some rhubarb and I just made some rhubard crisp with it - awesome! I think I might have to plant some so I can have my own rhubard every spring!

  • I got a new job. Start on June 6th. I'm excited for the change but also sad to be leaving Bloomers - I've really enjoyed my work and those I work with.

  • Asher continues to grow and change on a daily basis. He still can't jump and cracks us up with his continual attempts, some day he'll get the hang of it! His new favorite word is 'see?' instead of 'why?'... I guess those days are coming!

  • We have learned a vaulable lesson about toilet paper this last week - cheaper is not better. It's the type of mistake you only have to make once.

  • Why do animal noise children's books put animals like: mice, giraffes and penguines in them? Really? I love how you're are going through every noice and you come to those and pause... Yep, I don't know what noise a giraffe makes? I'm thinking they should stick with the animals that make noises people know... bark, meow, cheep... :)

  • With summer possibly just around the corner - we're excited to get out and do some camping. Can't wait for camp fires, friends, fishing and being outside! :)

  • I had a cousin pass away a few weeks back. Makes me sad, she was only 30. It makes me sad that she was only 30 but it also makes me more sad that I didn't know her. We grew apart, never talked, got together and I hate that. Good reminder that you need to put in the time and effort with relationships that are worth time and effort. She'll be greatly missed ...

Well, that's all the 'radom-ness' I have for one night... Babe is sleeping, I've got dishes to be done and some rhubarb crisp to eat. :)