Oh what a difference a year can make! Asher 3 Months Old - first day of daycare 2010...
Asher - 14 Months Old - first day of daycare 2011
No more carrying me mama - I'm a big boy! I can walk, fall, eat snow, do stairs and take diggers on the ice all by myself! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone - it truly does seem like just yesterday he was a little guy... they grow way to fast.
Asher fell asleep on the living room floor two Saturdays ago. Granted he was super sick and was on medication - but I hope he can continue to find comfort where ever he is in our home and just lay down and snooze.
I sent Ash to daycare today with his pants on backwards. If he was wearing sweatpants, maybe this wouldn't have been such a huge 'I'm a DORK' moment! Instead he was wearing pants with pockets - yep, the daycare lady is going to think I'm crazy!
Work is busy. Busy is good. Good is a pay check.
It was a year ago today that Damon quit his job and Asher looked at us and gave us an actually smile and giggle for the first time. I didn't know what we were going to do but knew that it would all work out. Living proof today that what doesn't break a family will make you stronger.
I've kept my house clean for the last week and a half. Like, clean enough that if you were to stop by - I wouldn't be completely embarrassed of our potential to live like slobs.
This even includes my laundry. I'm pretty sure my sister would be highly impressed with my ability to 'keep up' - at least for the last week and 3 days. :)
I have some pretty amazing friends. Friends that care, call, ask, listen and most importantly are there for everything. I realize even more now how much I miss these amazing ladies when I am back on the clock at work and can't have play-dates or phone conversations with them whenever I want. You know who you are - know that you are loved.
We fed Ned beans just to see if they were really 'musical fruit'... they are.
I'm going to be an auntie again and am beyond excited. I'm also going to be an auntie to a little girl - even more exciting! I cannot wait to welcome this precious new-comer into the world in a matter of months. Please say a prayer for her journey.
A few weekends ago I spent my first few nights away from Asher. It's true what they say, you'll know when you're ready. Was it easy... nope. Was it neccessary... yep. Did I survive... yeppers and I'm alive to write about my experience. :)
Men who do drag make us 'average girls' look horrible. Some of those guys are seriously beautiful. Just sayin'...
There is nothing more sweet than picking up your babe from daycare and seeing him waiting. Seeing him standing at the sliding glass door with a big 'ole smile and waving at his mama. I think the only thing that tops that right now is the sweet words of 'mama' coming out of his mouth. Few and far between but I'll take it.
Real Conversation: I was inquiring how long I could expect a product (yard sign) to last with the different elements (wind, rain, snow, sun, etc..) I say, "And how long do these signs typically hold up?" and the sales lady - in her very foreign accent and as serious as can be says, "Until someone steals it."
Cyd a lady from work has a talent for phrasing... I over-heard her tell a boy during an interview today..."Now, the landscape crew gets to wear shirts without sleeves but as a shop boy that's not okay. You've got to have sleeves on your shirts because we don't need you putting your arm pit hair all up in our customers business.
My spell check doesn't appear to be wrkg snce I've left out some obvious letters and it isn't picking up on antyhing.... so enjoy the crazy spelling that I'll call Manda. :)
Yesterday she asked me if we were going to be getting those 'walk around type phones'. I think for a minute and say, "You mean cordless?" ... she responds, "Ya, the walk around type."
I figured out why I'm fat... the shampoo I use in the shower runs down my body - it says, "For extra volume and body". I think I'm going to start using Dawn Dish Soap... "Dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove." :)