This Labor Day Weekend we went camping with Adam, Maureen, Rog, Deb and Grandma - it was a wonderful relaxing weekend. Here is the weekend in review! :)

Meet Chief LW (aka Adam) and Maureen!

Grandma Tuttle and Rog relaxing around the campfire...

Tuttle fishing... within the first 2 mins. of getting started - we had a few tangles... Like father, like son! We really didn't catch a darn thing nor did we even have a bite; however, we had a wonderful time enjoying the beautiful weather and sunsets!

Three things
could have happen in this picture.... a) Damon
could have went head first into the lake attempting to get his line out of the motor b) Damon
could lose his pocket and still go head first into the lake or c) Damon and his dad
could both go for a swim....

Yep, we got Grandma to join us on a beautiful boat ride on Sunday afternoon -
I think she really enjoyed herself!
And lastly, we ate and ate and ate some more... we certainly did not go hungry!

We had so much fun we are planning on another trip in October - our last trip of the season during the fall season... we can't wait and are hoping to maybe catch s
ome fish this next time around! :)