Rog, my favorite Father-In-Law, recently purchased a truck - a very sharp looking truck at that! He has had a bit of bad luck; however, we are hopful that everything is taken care of now and he'll have many miles in his new ride! I will sign up for any road trips and Rog can drive! :)

We also have a new addition to our family... kitty. There are have been many names thrown out as to what we should call this adorable creature but kitty seems to stick. (very original, we know!) Damon did want to call her 'chicken' but it didn't seem to fit her personality! She was a barn kitty when D first tackled her, yep - tackled. We couldn't hold her for fear of her eating our fingers at first but now she is doing really well! She enjoys running, playing with Ned (he likes her too!) and the usual sleeping/eating. :)

So I guess that's it for now... hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this
BEAUTIFUL summer weather we are finally having!